Автор: Зинаида Васильева. Антрополог, автор статей о советской модерности, материальности и памяти о "советском". Живёт в Мюнхене. https://turn-de.academia.edu/ZinaidaVasilyeva
I rarely comment on daily political news, but the discussion around a tweet posted last week by Michael McFaul, the former US ambassador to Russia, reminded me something I would like to share. I am writing in English - mainly for my international friends, especially those outside the academic world.
Some of you have probably read the already deleted tweet by McFaul where he compares the recent attack of the Capitol by Trump’s supporters with the 1917 revolution and “communism”. Anybody familiar with Russian history understands this comparison is ahistorical, politically irresponsible and highly manipulative. The only goal of this tweet is to discredit leftist political ideas and restore the Cold War thinking.
And now a personal vignette - about Russian revolution, Trump and today's global condition.